Sunday, March 26 2023

11 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday, Mar 26, 2023 11 a.m.
Youth Education


You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming Engineering EXPO 2023. The EXPO 2023 is to promote the engineering profession to Middle & High School students. It is on Sunday, March 26th from 11AM-3:30PM at White Plains High School.  Admission is free & there are door prizes for the students attending. We will have over 100 exhibits consisting of engineering companies, technical societies and 40 engineering colleges as well as the Young Engineer's Panel where young engineers speak to students in a classroom environment to tell them why they became an engineer & what they are doing in their firms today. There are also 2 special panels for Women in Engineering. There is a computer simulated bridge competition, and robots exhibited from the FIRST Robotics competition.

Please feel free to help promote attendance by our employee's students to t wonderful event as well as inviting other  organizations/ agencies,etc. and local schools to attend.